Aldora Wang


Experience Designer

Aldora Wang

Experience Designer & Producer

PGC: Virtual Glassblowing

PGC: Virtual Glassblowing is an educational and creative experience that highlights the beauty of glassmaking and evokes the youth’s appreciation of glassmakers.

Experience Designer, Co-producer and Artist

Virtual Gallery

The team is tasked by Pittsburgh Glass Center, a nonprofit, public-access education center, to design and develop a glassmaking VR experience.
Project Video

We create an educational and creative glassmaking experience that could be brought to regional learning environments. Our goal is to raise youth’s (12+) awareness and appreciation of the skills, craft and time needed to create beautiful/functional glass objects.

Experience Design Storyboard

In the project, I researched and designed the guest experience, utilized feedback from children during playtest sessions to improve and refine. I led the team with my co-producer to achieve project goals by utilizing SCRUM methodology to manage progress and handling other producing responsibilities. I also supported the lead artist by creating 2D and 3D art assets to alleviate the workload and meet project demands.

Virtual Hot Shop

Virtual Gallery

The project poster was designed by me, drawing inspiration from the captivating beauty and vibrant hues found in the art of glassmaking.

Project Poster

During the beginning of this wonderful journey,  we stepped into the hot shop at the Pittsburgh Glass Center and partake in immersive glassmaking sessions under the guidance of a master glassmaker.

Learning Glassmaking

Our project proudly earned the Gold Medal in the Student Entry category at the 2023 International Serious Play Awards. This notable accomplishment granted our team the opportunity to present our project at the 2023 Serious Play conference in Toronto, Canada.

Presenting at Serious Play with Ariel He

Ariel He

Jialu Sun

Aldora Wang

Kristin Wu

Laura Yang

Pan-Pan Gou
Co-producer and UI/UX Designer


Co-producer, Experience Designer and Artist


Lead Artist

Sound Designer and Composer