Aldora Wang


Experience Designer

Aldora Wang

Experience Designer & Producer

Mushroomy’s Island

Mushroomy’s Island is a two-player decoration game, where players need to communicate with each other and make Mushroomy’s garden look pleasant and complete. Player one uses body language to locate and adjust the shape of the object, whereas the other player selects and controls the menu interface.

UI/UX Designer, Producer and Artist

Game Setting

This is a collaborative project that was designed and developed in two weeks for the course Building Virtual Worlds. We used Kinect as the technology to track players’ movement and Unity as the game engine to present a cohesive and engaging visual for the audience.

Project Video

The decorative plants that players could cultivate on the island are created by myself and fellow artist.

Island Decoration

I also designed the user interface for the control panel, allowing one of the players to select which plants they want to place in the garden and adjust their scale.

Game UI Design

The other player can customize the shape of the decorations by striking poses, adding a personalized touch to the landscape.

Islands Decorated by Players

The game was chosen to be showcased at the ETC festival, prompting our team to develop location-based installations to enrich the player experience.

Room Layout made by Yunqi Li

Here are some of the islands decorated from the festival. As you can see, the player not only strick poses to add more trees, flowers and mushrooms, they can also switch up the skyline colors to match different times of the day, adding more fun to the view!

Islands Decorated by Players

Targy Feng

Christine Jung

Yunqi Li

Aldora Wang
Programmer and Assistant Producer


Sound Designer and Character Designer

UI/UX Designer, Producer and Artist